Skye Cervone, Ph.D.

Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae

Graduate Education: 

Doctorate of Philosophy in Comparative Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Dissertation - Living Capital: Situating Animals within Capitalist Modes of Production in Science Fiction

Master of Arts in English, Florida Atlantic University - Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Thesis - Illuminating the Role of Language in Lord Dunsany’s Fictional Prose

Teaching Experience: 

Florida Atlantic University:

​     ENC 1101: Composition I
     ENC 1102: Composition II

     ENC 1939: Animals and Animality in Western Culture
     LIT 2010: Interpretation of Fiction
     LIT 2040: Interpretation of Drama

     LIT 2017: Interpretation of Creative Nonfiction
     LIT 3213: Literary Theory

     Modalities: Face to Face, Hyflex Hybrid, Online Asynchronous

As Assisting Instructor: 

     ENG 3822: Introduction to Literary Studies 

     AML 4311: Major American Writers of the Nineteenth Century 

      Modalities: Face to Face


Broward College: 

​     ENC 1101: Composition I
     ENC 1102: Composition II

     LIT 2000: Introduction to Literature
     ENG 2210: Professional/Technical Writing
     LIT 2310: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Literature 

      Modalities: Face to Face, Blended, Blended Remote

Johnson and Wales University:
     ENG 0025: Developmental English I
     ENG 0050: Developmental English II
     ENG 1020: Composition I
     ENG 1021: Advanced Composition 

      Modalities: Face to Face

Tutoring Experience: 

​Florida Atlantic University, Writing Consultant

Johnson and Wales University, Professional Tutor and Writing Evaluator

Keiser University, Miami, Writing Studio Coordinator

Palm Beach State College, Writing Tutor ​​

Editorial Experience:

Editor, The Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction

Contributing Editor, Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers, First Edition

Selected Conference Presentations:

“It Had to Be Science Fiction: Octavia Butler and the Ideology of Canonization

Modern Language Association (MLA), New York, NY, January 2018

“Neoliberal Colonization: Corporate Dystopia in Fredrick Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth’s The Space Merchants”South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), Jacksonville, FL, November 2016

“A Southern Fantasy Novel: Genre and Mode in Eudora Welty’s The Robber Bridegroom” 

Society for the Study of Southern Literature  (SSSL), Boston, MA, March 2016

“Walking in the Realm of Faery: Ronald Johnson’s The Book of the Green Man as Fantasy Text”

The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, KY February 2015

“Biopolitical and Colonial Control in The Space Merchants

CSSA Conference, Boca Raton, FL October 2014

“Not Safe for Children: Naughty Elves, Shame, and Cyborg Identity”

CSSA Spring Symposium, Boca Raton, FL April 2014

“Fabulous Blood and Fantastic Slaughter: Unicorn Hunting in The King of Elfland’s Daughter

International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA), Orlando, FL March 2014

“The Bios is Falling! The Bios is Falling! Chicken Little as Political Animal in Fredrick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth’s The Space Merchants

ICFA, Orlando, FL March 2013

“Lord Dunsany and J. R. R. Tolkien: Two Kindred Spirits”

ICFA, Orlando, FL March 2012

“Destroying the Illusion of Traditional Gender Roles in Joanna Russ’ The Femaleman

WisCon, Madison, WI May 2007

Awards and Distinctions:

Comparative Studies Travel Grant, December 2016 

Summer Research Fellowship, April 2016

​Arts and Letters Advisory Board Graduate Student Grant, December 2, 2015 

Provost's Certificate of Recognition for Publishing in the 2014-2015 academic year

National Day on Writing, October 20, 2015

Current Memberships and Associations:

International Association of Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA)
- Member since 2008, Student Caucus
Representative to the Executive Board - August 2014 - August 2016, Public Information Officer - March 2016 - March 2023 

Full Curriculum Vitae available upon request.